05 min. | fiction | dffb & arte
A wedding ceremony. The Men’s Room. Two men squeeze to fit into one of the small booths. Father and son. Between them: An Undershirt. A touching, understated look at a father/son relationship and the foibles of human nature.
Watch Excerpt on Vimeo

A Wedding Ceremony. The Men’s room. Two men squeeze to fit into one of the small
booths. Walter (62) and Markus (28). Father and Son. Markus timidly asks his laidback
father to take off his undershirt that is showing very visible under his shirt. “No
one wears those anymore.” He feels embarrassed for his father. Walter is relaxed
and does as Markus asks him to.
But when his old father is standing in front of him – half-naked – Markus realises the
absurdity of the situation and his own behaviour.
Zu den herrausragenden Beiträgen bei den Realfilmen gehören (…) vor allem Jonas Rothlaenders „Das Hemd“ (dffb Berlin), der es mühelos schafft, eine bewegende Geschichte in nur sechs Minuten zu erzählen. Auch bei ihm geht es um eine Kontroverse zwischen Alt und Jung, zwischen Vater und Sohn in einer absurden Situation und um verschüttete familiäre Liebe.
BLICKPUNKT FILM (16. Mai 2011)
44. Hof International Film Festival
52. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck5. Winterfilmnacht Attenkirchen1. Next-Generation Kurzfilmrolle Cannes 2011
16. Milano Film Festival47. Chicago International Film Festival
7. International Short Film Festival Detmold
22. Internationales Filmfest Emden – Norderney
13. Festival de Cine Alemán Madrid
40. Lubuskie Lato Filmowe
Open-Air Filmfest Weiterstadt
Kunstgriff Filmfestival Heide
10. Open St. Petersburg Student Film Festival
11. Festival de Cine Alemán Buenos Aires
Guilin Innovation & Creative Culture Festival (China)
German Film Festival Estonia
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2011
In-Short Film Festival Lagos
27. Warsaw Film Festival
16. Festival du Cinéma Allemand Paris
10. Festival of German Films in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk
International Short Film Festival ZUBROFFKA – Bialystok
goEast Filmfestival Wiesbaden
KINO!2012 New Cinema from Germany at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Diverse TV-Broadcasting on arte & WDR
Johannes Allmayer
Michael Schweighöfer
Jonas Rothlaender
Sebastian Bleyl & Jonas Rothlaender
Alexander Haßkerl
Louise von Johnston
Jonas Rothlaender
Julian Cropp
Julian Cropp
Alexandre Leser
set design
Lisa von Meyer
Krisha Lindner
Christina Burgstaller
line producer
Martina Knapheide
commissioning editor arte
Barbara Häbe
© arte & German Film and Television Academy Berlin, arte & dffb, 2010
Technincal Information
Germany, 2010, Short, 6 Minutes, Color, HD (RED), 35mm Copy, HD CAM/DigiBeta
Copy, 25F/Sec, 1:1,78, Stereo, German with engl. Subtitles